lördag, mars 19, 2011
tisdag, mars 15, 2011
Emily Larlham kommer till Sverige 2
Schemat är klart för seminariet med Emily Larlham! Det finns ett fåtal platser kvar - intresserade kan ta kontakt med R+. Jag ser fram emot de här dagarna SÅ mycket! Även om vi kan en del av de här sakerna, så tror jag att det kommer vara otroligt lärorika dagar. =)
Dag 1
Doggie Improv -Warm up: 101 things to do with an object, 101 things to do without an object, then discuss. Learning how to learn.
Positive Interrupter -How to interrupt a dog’ s unwanted behavior without using punishment, and how to get sustained attention and interest.
Default Behaviors –How to train ‘situational cues’ or ‘default behaviors’ / Example: When on leash and owner sits in a chair, lie down unless told specifically what to do. Default leave it, stay behind a visual barrier and more.
Canine Communication -Using voice, touch, body language and reinforcement to communicate. How to incorporate calming signals into training.
Building a calm foundation -A calm dog is a thinking dog. How to build calmness. For use with reactive dogs, as well as competition dogs.
Advanced Targeting -Sustained targeting, targeting with unusual body parts. When and how to apply targeting.
Handling exercises -How to condition handling and how to use handling in training. Handling games for shy and reactive dogs. Chin rests.
Motivational Games -Building drive. Capturing and building attention and focus.
Problem solving -Thinking outside the box for solutions to new ways of training tricks, or solving unwanted behavior. Example: Dog reactive to people in hats -don’t just use counter conditioning, build hats as a conditioned reinforcer!
Question and Answer
Dag 2
Building a bank of Conditioned Reinforcers -How to condition a large variety of secondary reinforcers.
How to make behaviors reinforcing in themselves -Using a behavior that is a conditioned reinforcer to reinforce a behavior chain. Example: A retrieve can reinforce heelwork.
Variety -It’s not about how long you train but WHAT you train in each session.
Setting a training plan -and sticking to it! -How to not get stuck on the same level of reinforcement, working on multiple behaviors. Cross training. Moving onto a variable schedule quickly!
Crazy Tricks Lab! -Coming up with crazy ideas and making them a reality.
Rear end awareness -How to teach rear end awareness, and apply it to teaching tricks and heelwork.
Back Chaining -Using back chaining for competitions, tricks, and more.
Using Premack -To build focus on handler, build the strongest recall possible.
Generalizing -Generalizing behaviors to the rest of the world, not just your living room.
Question and Answer
tisdag, mars 15, 2011
Stämplar: clicker, clicker method, clicker training, dogmantics, Emily Larlham, kikopup, klicker, klickerträning